Monday, August 1, 2011


SubhanaAllah, I am SSSSOOOO happy!! Last night we were kinda caught unprepared for Taraweeh and i ended up praying only 4 rak'as taraweeh and then 3 witr because it was already 11:30 PM and Baba told me that it's ok and you can start praying all of it tomorrow just start a little earlier. I thought that it would be a little hard, I mean, 17 raka's. But, as I did it, it actually felt good and refreshing. kinda like this:

Last night I kept on waking up because I was so excited to have suhoor (I dont know why.)  When my alarm turned on, I wasn't surprised at all. I turned it off and went to wake up my father. It's usually the other way around, so he was a little surprised.

For suhoor, I had 1 and a half bowls of Cheerios with half a banana sliced into it. Then I had a date. Then I had two glasses of water.

I'm kind of hungry right now. I am thinking of what they will have for iftaar today. They have iftaar at the masjid everyday so we usually go there because it's easier for Ammi. I mean, with the baby and everything, it gets kind of hectic. And, we all have an outing, so, it's good all around.

Clothes are a big part of iftaar for me. I mean, there are a few snotty girls there, and, I mean, I was always teachers pet, so, there's always jealousy and rivalry. I always try to wear good clothes so they can't look down on me and they know that just because I'm "good" doesn't mean I don't have any sense of style. Today,
is the first day, so I'm not going to wear something really fancy, but simple and modest. I have decided on wearing my black abaya and my new black-and-white polka dot hijab that Ammi just finished a few days ago. I can't wait.

Here's a pic:

OMA. I feel so bad about talking about iftaar and my clothes when I think of the Somalian Famine. Baba showed us the video yesterday and, if u haven't seen it, you should. I told Baba to give $200 from my life savings. That will practically cut it in half, but, AlhamduliAllah. At least the poor things will be able to eat SOMETHING.

May Allah help them through their hardship and help us to become closer to him.  Ameen


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. oooMMMAAA!! i love ur story here
    can u send me the video? and dont u only hav to pray 8 i mean thts the sunnah

    Hania C

  3. sure i'll send u the video. and i kno 8 rak'as is the sunnah but i was only able 2 pray 4 that day unfortunately .
