Hey, Salaams blog readers!
Yesterday, after I cam back from school, my throat started hurting, just a little but though. After I had some delicious barbecue, (baba makes THE BEST) I finished my homework and went to sleep. Then, when I wake up this morning, I can barely talk!!! This is the third time I lost my voice.
1st time, got a cold. The "little voice" lasted only a day
2nd time, went to 6 flags and screamed my head off, so I was litterlally without a voice for about 3 days
3rd time, today, it was cold, and, I guess my throat felt it, so, i can barely swallow, and, for a few hours today, it hurt so much i couldn't talk too much.
But now it's better alhamduliAllah. It was raining CONSTANTLY today. I mean, like, the whole day. It was fun during dismissal though. Not many people had umbrellas, so, when I took mine out, all my friends started coming and crowding under it. After some time, I was like, Hey, it doesn't rain everyday, and pretty soon I'm gonna get sick of it, so, let's make best use! And I just stayed out in the rain. I liked it. hahaha.
I'm REALLY HAPPY THOUGH because the school might just let me be the head of the yearbook group, if they have one. I really hope they do. I've always wanted to be part of a yearbook group.
Since I'm not on the student government, but I am one of the representatives, I told my closest friend, the vice president, to make sure there is a "Pink Hijab Day." The rest of the "Hijab Days" will be when I am most likely vice president, so, I don't worry about those.
Tomorrow is debate. We're debating whether cell phones should be allowed for students or not. I'm opposition. That means I'm going for they shouldn't.

I still can't believe Anwar Al-Awlaki died. I feel like the red ball in the picture. Most people here in America are happy that "The maniac Al Qaeda (they can't even say that properly, for crying out loud!) leader is safely killed." They didn't even try him. What the government did was unconstitutional. Anwar Al Awlaki was an American citizen. And by law, every American citizen is to be tried before being sentenced. I though that No one is guilty till they are proven. I feel so bad and horrible and mad. He used to live in the same city as us, San Diego, and used to be the Imam for masjid Ribat, which I still go to at times. I even attended one of his lectures when he came to our area. Well, my parents did. I just drew and took pieces of paper with questions from the sisters to him. I even remember, one time, I was really shy, and I took a question to him. And then he grinned and asked me, "Where's the money?" in a playful manner. I blushed and became embarrassed. (now don't go saying, why were you embarrassed? I was 5, for Allah's sake!!!!) I'll always remember that. He was a nice guy. Ya, so maybe he had a few problems with supporting suicide bombers and stuff like that. I don't support that. But everyone has mistakes! May Allah Bless him and Forgive him.
I'm reading, The Scarlet Letter. It's a very good book. And best of all, nothing inappropriate. Not even kissing, which, in today's society, is as little as nothing. The book may be about Hester doing something bad, but they don't even say the word in it. It just everyone saying she did something sinful and her head should be chopped of blah blah blah. I like the part when they say ye gossips. sounds cool. I keep on repeating it to myself. tehehe.
So long!
A Muslimah
1st time, got a cold. The "little voice" lasted only a day
2nd time, went to 6 flags and screamed my head off, so I was litterlally without a voice for about 3 days
3rd time, today, it was cold, and, I guess my throat felt it, so, i can barely swallow, and, for a few hours today, it hurt so much i couldn't talk too much.
But now it's better alhamduliAllah. It was raining CONSTANTLY today. I mean, like, the whole day. It was fun during dismissal though. Not many people had umbrellas, so, when I took mine out, all my friends started coming and crowding under it. After some time, I was like, Hey, it doesn't rain everyday, and pretty soon I'm gonna get sick of it, so, let's make best use! And I just stayed out in the rain. I liked it. hahaha.
Since I'm not on the student government, but I am one of the representatives, I told my closest friend, the vice president, to make sure there is a "Pink Hijab Day." The rest of the "Hijab Days" will be when I am most likely vice president, so, I don't worry about those.
Tomorrow is debate. We're debating whether cell phones should be allowed for students or not. I'm opposition. That means I'm going for they shouldn't.
So long!
A Muslimah
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