InshaAllah we are most likely going to BD (Bangladesh) on the 8th of December and coming back on the 14th of January. We shall also be staying in Dubai for 2.5 days inshaAllah. (Dear friends whom I know personally, please do not disclose this information to anyone. It could get be in big trouble.)
In BD, we'll have so much fun inshaAllah. Especially me and my cousin. We decided that one day we'll make dinner together and make foreign food, and then another day we'll steal out by ourselves and roam the city
InshaAllah, when we go to Dubai, Imma buy a siutcase full of abayas inshaAllah, cuz' Duabi is the place to get abayas, as far as I've heard. I'm also gonna visit Burj Khalifa inshaAllah, and I'll go all the way to the top floor with my dad inshaAllah, because my mother has a phobia of elevators. (not phobia phobia, she's just afraid of them. She won't go on the unless she has to. But not like she's sick or something.) Then I'll take a pic in the highest floor of the tallest building in the world inshaAllah. And, if we stay for the night there, as we most likely will, I'll ask my parents to take me to the fountains. I saw a video of them on youtube, and they're beautiful mashaAllah.
We'll be staying most of time in Sharjah. I really wanted to go to the beaches, but it's very unlikely. But still, I'll do some of my begging that I'm really good at and maybe we can go. The beaches are best there in January anyways.
I'm hoping to get some really cute and funky abayas there, instead of the cheap, ugly, bling-bling ones they sell here in America. I still don't know what to wear on the plane though. Any suggestions?

I hate hot chocolate made with water by the way. I know it's so random, but today, in hifths class, two of the boys went and made hot chocolate for everyone, and they made it with water. So, hot cocoa made by boys + made with water = not as good as I like it. I'm gonna turn down the hot chocolate tomorrow. I've gotten sick of it anyways.
I have a Quran project due on Friday and I practically have nothing done. We have to make a poster board about Quran. But since it's going to be shown in CHEP Expo, which is basically a day in which all CHEP students show their amazing works, the teacher wanted something big. So what I'm gonna do inshaAllah, is, I'll take two green foam poster boards, and I'll cut the spine of two binders, with the rings. Then I'll super glue them together like a book. Then I'll take poster paper with information on the Quran and put in the the binder rings. So, it'll be like a Quran. I'll obviously put golden designs on the cover too. And, I'll make a Quran holder too, so the "Quran Book" can sit on it, just like a real Quran. Don't you think that'll be nice?
Yesterday in lunch time I had rice and dhal (lentil soup) and fish. The fish had like, 5 chilies in it, so one of my friends were like, "Hey, dare me to eat this whole thing?"

"I dare you. And if you don't, you're a coward"
Then, she slowly took the chillie and put it in her mouth!
She chewed and chewed. "It isn't that bad you know." Then her eyes got wider, and her cheeks got red. She started panting like crazy, and made a beeline for the water fountain. When she came back, all of us were doubling over with laughter. He nose was running and their were tears in her eyes. She made me do it too, but I swallowed it before it could get too spicy. But it still left a burning sensation in my mouth. Think about her. Poor girl.
Today, we were pretending to be mean to each other and I was tickling everyone. I can usually "out-tickle" everyone because I'm not ticklish anywhere except the bottom of my feet. Then we took one of the girl's water bottle and we kept on passing it around so she and her bf couldn't get it. What happened in the end was, the girl's bf and I were holding and pulling the bottle, when all of a sudden, I squeeze the bottle and pop! All this water falls on the other girl. I was laughing and laughing so hard.
A Muslimah
How are your days going?
In BD, we'll have so much fun inshaAllah. Especially me and my cousin. We decided that one day we'll make dinner together and make foreign food, and then another day we'll steal out by ourselves and roam the city
We'll be staying most of time in Sharjah. I really wanted to go to the beaches, but it's very unlikely. But still, I'll do some of my begging that I'm really good at and maybe we can go. The beaches are best there in January anyways.
I'm hoping to get some really cute and funky abayas there, instead of the cheap, ugly, bling-bling ones they sell here in America. I still don't know what to wear on the plane though. Any suggestions?
I hate hot chocolate made with water by the way. I know it's so random, but today, in hifths class, two of the boys went and made hot chocolate for everyone, and they made it with water. So, hot cocoa made by boys + made with water = not as good as I like it. I'm gonna turn down the hot chocolate tomorrow. I've gotten sick of it anyways.
Yesterday in lunch time I had rice and dhal (lentil soup) and fish. The fish had like, 5 chilies in it, so one of my friends were like, "Hey, dare me to eat this whole thing?"
"I dare you. And if you don't, you're a coward"
Then, she slowly took the chillie and put it in her mouth!
She chewed and chewed. "It isn't that bad you know." Then her eyes got wider, and her cheeks got red. She started panting like crazy, and made a beeline for the water fountain. When she came back, all of us were doubling over with laughter. He nose was running and their were tears in her eyes. She made me do it too, but I swallowed it before it could get too spicy. But it still left a burning sensation in my mouth. Think about her. Poor girl.
A Muslimah
How are your days going?
woooooowwwwww who was it that u did that too? can ik or no? and ILVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV UR BLOG SUPER INTERESTIN|G
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ReplyDeleteI did it to N (dont wanna use her name) you should know her. Zchef's best friend. Indian. You know the one!!