Hi assalamualaikum everyone!!!!!
Hope everyone is doing well. My cold is better now alhamduliAllah. Just have a cough a a very clogged nose. Hate that part.
But, other than that, everything is going well alhamduliAllah.

Today was back to school night, and I tried out a found-out-by-accident-trick. When my father was talking to one of my teachers, she said I was really good and everything, and then, of course, my father asked if anything was wrong with me. Then she took a deep breath. What I did was, I looked at her with really big, innocent, questioning, daring eyes. But all the while innocent. It was weird. I made my eyes so big, and put so much passion behind them, that my plan worked. My teacher hesitated before saying something about me. And she said it in a small and quick voice. Can you believe it! AND she was the principal also. (I know, I know. Why is the principal teaching me? Because she just does. That's my answer.) I was able to slightly manipulate the principal!!! And I kept on doing that until I guess my father saw me and shooed me away.

So, I went outside, feeling reckless. We have a big tree right outside the fence of our school and one thick branch sticks in that you're not supposed to climb. So, feeling naughty like I was, I looked around for any teachers, and climbed the branch. I sat on the branch, I swung on the branch, and from there, I stood and sat on the fence, I laid on it, I swung my feet over it so I was almost out of the school. My friends were like, "You don't seem like a person to climb trees!" Perhaps I don't. I usually look very proper and everything. But sometimes these spells take over me and I become.......different. And plus, I can barely ever resist climbing a perfectly climable tree. I just can't.
Then, I played tag, after so long, and ran really hard, and started panting, but it was fun. Then we all went to the bathroom and took off our hijabs and complimented each other on our looks. Hahaha. Cheesy, I know, but, who does not do that?
LOL. I know I sound really immature. But I have spells.
Before doing all this though, form 4:00 to 5:00 I was just cleaning our classroom. Let me tell you, our classroom ALWAYS looks HORRIBLE. But, after an hour of cleaning and decorating, it looked semi decent. So, I left the room content.
The director has just decided that hifz class will be up till 4:30 from now on. But, with packing, and rapping up class, and waiting for Baba, school will really end at 5:00. So, from Monday, I'll be home at about 5:15 everyday except Friday. I don't mind much. As long as the boys don't get too crazy with the hot chocolate.
And remember how I said that SOME of the boys in class were polite? Well, scratch that out. You should see our room at the end of the day. Looks like a tornado hit it. None of them are real gentlemen. THEY DROP STANDING FANS ON EACH OTHERS HEADS. AND PLAY SWORD FIGHTING WITH MARKERS. And what do I do? Sit down and once I get too irrated I yell. Well, kinda raise my voice, but in hifz class, it just so happens that my voice goes down a few notches. So, once I go, "Can everyone please STOP??!!!!" Well, then they get the message, and calm down for a few minutes. But, after the silence has wore off, they get crazy again. What can I say? Apes.
We'll be going on Emirates. Most likely December 9th to January 14th. I'm so happy!!! You don't know how much I've been wanting to go to Bangladesh. But we're only staying for 5 weeks. How sad. The last two times we went we stayed for 5 MONTHS. Oh well. AlhamduliAllah. At least we're going.

We're gonna read The Giver at school. I'll probably finish it by Wednesday. Has anyone read it before? It sounds really good.
Can't wait for.......................Dunno what. But I'm so excited!!!
Hope everyone is doing well. My cold is better now alhamduliAllah. Just have a cough a a very clogged nose. Hate that part.
But, other than that, everything is going well alhamduliAllah.
Today was back to school night, and I tried out a found-out-by-accident-trick. When my father was talking to one of my teachers, she said I was really good and everything, and then, of course, my father asked if anything was wrong with me. Then she took a deep breath. What I did was, I looked at her with really big, innocent, questioning, daring eyes. But all the while innocent. It was weird. I made my eyes so big, and put so much passion behind them, that my plan worked. My teacher hesitated before saying something about me. And she said it in a small and quick voice. Can you believe it! AND she was the principal also. (I know, I know. Why is the principal teaching me? Because she just does. That's my answer.) I was able to slightly manipulate the principal!!! And I kept on doing that until I guess my father saw me and shooed me away.

Then, I played tag, after so long, and ran really hard, and started panting, but it was fun. Then we all went to the bathroom and took off our hijabs and complimented each other on our looks. Hahaha. Cheesy, I know, but, who does not do that?
LOL. I know I sound really immature. But I have spells.
Before doing all this though, form 4:00 to 5:00 I was just cleaning our classroom. Let me tell you, our classroom ALWAYS looks HORRIBLE. But, after an hour of cleaning and decorating, it looked semi decent. So, I left the room content.
The director has just decided that hifz class will be up till 4:30 from now on. But, with packing, and rapping up class, and waiting for Baba, school will really end at 5:00. So, from Monday, I'll be home at about 5:15 everyday except Friday. I don't mind much. As long as the boys don't get too crazy with the hot chocolate.

We're gonna read The Giver at school. I'll probably finish it by Wednesday. Has anyone read it before? It sounds really good.
Can't wait for.......................Dunno what. But I'm so excited!!!
ya u should SUPERB book mashaAllah