Ramadan is almost here! I can't wait inshaAllah. It's most likely starting August 1st. I have to start fasting and get ready. I really wanted to pray taraweeh at the masjid this time, because lat year, Ammi was pregnant and couldn't stay the whole time. But this year, there's the baby, and i don't think Ibrahim would stay quiet for two hours. I asked Baba if
I could pray in the masjid with him, but he said, "Remember the hadith?" of course I knew which one he was talking about. It was the one which said that a woman's courtyard was better for her than outside, her home better than her courtyard, and her room better than
her home. So, this year I shall also pray at home. I tried giving him an excuse, saying that "What if you concentrate better in the masjid." I knew I was acting like weak sauce, but who cares? He said that someone really concentrated, than he can concentrate at home. I just miss praying in the masjid. When we lived in SD (San Diego), we'd always pray in the masjid. Oh well. Gotta except life.
Luv this pic. So funny
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