This is an amazing inspirational video. Watch it.
The daily life of a young Muslim-Bengali-American girl living in the States.
Friday, March 30, 2012
What's on the Runway: Christian Dior
I love Christian Dior because it's actually one of the few brands that makes clothes that you can actually wear. I supposed their going for a more, formal, office look this season. Here are my favorites. Many of them can be easily hijabified too :)
LOVE THIS. If only it wasn't so sheer. But, you could easily wear tights under it. *I think*
Only like the skirt. Luv it, even. But the sheers the only problem
LOVE the dress. Be-a-u-ti-ful
What is with Christian Dior and sheer????!!!! Anyways, the color is a bit tacky, but cute.
Can be worn at office party of funeral. Though I would stick to something a bit more plain for those circumstances. I mean, somebody just died.
Now, I can't decide if I should love this or shove this. You?
I would SO wear this at a business party. Very formal, yet, gorgeous, while staying within the limits of business attire.
This, though plain, is very pretty. I suppose a little older person could wear this. Love the gloves though. But hate the bangles. (those are bangles, aren't they?)
Love and so would wear this outfit had it been something like an only girl's meeting. Or, if the skirt was a teensy weensy bit longer, I would have been able to wear tights under it :(
Love the skirt again <3
And again :) <3
I really like this dress, even though the print is kinda weird. It's the cut I like the most
I am head-over-heals-in-love over the skirt and the gray sweater. I wouldn't pair them together, but, I want the sweater sssssooo bad. I don't think it would look that bad over a slim abaya.
I know this looks really Russian and everything, but, I mean, it's all old fashioned, and I just adore vintage clothing <3
Pretty. Nice sleeves also :)
I would so wear this to work, had I known what to wear to cover my legs modestly but without looking like a bimbo
LOVE the coat
You know what I want and love this dress so bad but I think you're tired of seeing me write in caps lock but know that I love it so much!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I am so sorry this post was so long but I really wanted to share these with you girls. Anyways, can any of you tell me how I can cover my legs for those short dresses? I really want to know.
A Muslimah
Would you wear anything from here?
Tuesday, March 27, 2012
Sunday, March 25, 2012
Can't Wait
InshaAllah, on Saturday, my maternal uncle (mama, in Bengali) and grandfather (nana, in Bengali) will come all the way from Bangladesh!!! I'm so happy. It'll be there first time coming to America. They've been in a few places in Asia and everything, but not over here. They're so excited too. But I think the happiest one in our family is Ammi (Mom). I can't remember a time when my mother hadn't been wishing that her family could come over and visit. She had especially wanted my grandmother to come, but, unfortunately, she had passed away before she could visit, and so, when my uncle and grandfather got their visa, she was close to jumping up and down, but with the baby in her stomach and all, she obviously couldn't. Which reminds me, Imran (new baby brother) will be most likely coming on April 14th inshaAllah!!!!!!!!!! I really can't wait. 2 sisters, and 2 brothers, who could want more?
Well, that's all I wanted to say today. Do you have anything coming up soon?
Well, that's all I wanted to say today. Do you have anything coming up soon?
Saturday, March 24, 2012
Feelin' Girly
My sisters and I have this "game" of shaking the branches of our the flower trees in our backyard until the flowers would fall. Well, today, I was feeling a little girly, I daresay, and since my uncle and my grandfather are coming next week inshaAllah, everything reminded me of the little boys and girls that sell jasmine flower necklaces on the street. And so, I decided to make a necklace out of these bouganvilla (instead of pouring them on my head as I usually do :)
Sorry for the lack of posts lately, girls. It seems as if the teachers are trying their best to kill us with all the work we have. But, anyways, do you like it?
Tuesday, March 13, 2012
Monday, March 5, 2012
Water Fight!!!!!
Hey Salaams girls!
Sorry haven't posted for so long. HW and testing coming up. Not to mention midterms just passed. I am very proud of myself though. I am NOT the goody-two-shoes anymore. I have officially gotten rid of that title. Here's how it happened.
Well, the whole last week, at break, the girls and I would get into "fights". More like bonding by hating. Every day, someone would do something to somebody else, like, push one of them into "Lake New Dimensions" (a HUGE pond that is created in the basketball court every time it rains). I did that :) Or we would pour juice/water on each other. Well, on Friday, things hit the climax. We divided into two teams. J, S, and N were on one, and T and I were on the other. So, we were all sitting on the benches, eating our lunches, when S gets up and says, "I'm gonna tell a joke, OK?"
Now, this sounded kinda weird, somebody announcing that, but I let it go. So, she tells a pretty lame joke, and everybody titters politely, right? So me and T were sitting next to each other on one side, with J and N sitting on the other. Suddenly, J takes a HUGE sip of juice, and sprays it all over me and T!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
At first I was laughing, thinking it was an accident, until it dawned upon me that THEY HAD DONE IT ON PURPOSE. I had nothing to spill on her, so I just sat there, gaping in horror and disgust. Then S's sister, B, took her whole bottle of water and just threw it on me!!! So, now, I was in fighting mode. I saw S and N shaking hands and laughing, so I took S's water bottle and splashed as much as I could on the opposing team. Didn't get much. So, when S came and stood in front of me, I got a plan.
"Who's water bottle is this?" I asked.
"Mine" S said
"Can I do a waterfall?"
And so I filled my cheeks with water, and sprayed it all on S.
"That's what you get" I said, laughing. We all were. It was hilarious. And the look on her face was priceless. And so, we were all laughing, until J took water again and really soaked my hijab. I ran to the restroom. I got another plan.
I got the "istinja' bottle" or rather, the watering can, and filled it with water. When I step outside the building, J surprises me with a whole cup of ice cold water on my face and chest. But I act fast. I run after her with the watering can and completely drench her back. Pouring water while running after one of your best friends. Best pass time ever.
And so, as usual, the teachers go all, "What are you doing?" and "What were you thinking?" and the classic shriek, "SAMIHA!!!!!"
We were ordered to go dry off in the restroom. We went there, gasping with laughter, apologizing for making each other so wet, and then breaking into fits of laughter again.

And so, the teachers go tell the other teachers.
And then a student/s over hear.
And then they go tell others
And then they go tell other.
And then in a matter of 10 minutes...
EVERYBODY KNOWS about the "water fight" we had.
Talk about gossip people.
And then we get reprimanded.
And then we become celebrities for a day.
Oh, how fun.
And so, I have become the girl who played with water and drenched her friends.
Have YOU ever had a water fight?
Sorry haven't posted for so long. HW and testing coming up. Not to mention midterms just passed. I am very proud of myself though. I am NOT the goody-two-shoes anymore. I have officially gotten rid of that title. Here's how it happened.
Well, the whole last week, at break, the girls and I would get into "fights". More like bonding by hating. Every day, someone would do something to somebody else, like, push one of them into "Lake New Dimensions" (a HUGE pond that is created in the basketball court every time it rains). I did that :) Or we would pour juice/water on each other. Well, on Friday, things hit the climax. We divided into two teams. J, S, and N were on one, and T and I were on the other. So, we were all sitting on the benches, eating our lunches, when S gets up and says, "I'm gonna tell a joke, OK?"
At first I was laughing, thinking it was an accident, until it dawned upon me that THEY HAD DONE IT ON PURPOSE. I had nothing to spill on her, so I just sat there, gaping in horror and disgust. Then S's sister, B, took her whole bottle of water and just threw it on me!!! So, now, I was in fighting mode. I saw S and N shaking hands and laughing, so I took S's water bottle and splashed as much as I could on the opposing team. Didn't get much. So, when S came and stood in front of me, I got a plan.
"Mine" S said
"Can I do a waterfall?"
And so I filled my cheeks with water, and sprayed it all on S.
"That's what you get" I said, laughing. We all were. It was hilarious. And the look on her face was priceless. And so, we were all laughing, until J took water again and really soaked my hijab. I ran to the restroom. I got another plan.
I got the "istinja' bottle" or rather, the watering can, and filled it with water. When I step outside the building, J surprises me with a whole cup of ice cold water on my face and chest. But I act fast. I run after her with the watering can and completely drench her back. Pouring water while running after one of your best friends. Best pass time ever.
And so, as usual, the teachers go all, "What are you doing?" and "What were you thinking?" and the classic shriek, "SAMIHA!!!!!"
We were ordered to go dry off in the restroom. We went there, gasping with laughter, apologizing for making each other so wet, and then breaking into fits of laughter again.
And so, the teachers go tell the other teachers.
And then a student/s over hear.
And then they go tell others
And then they go tell other.
And then in a matter of 10 minutes...
EVERYBODY KNOWS about the "water fight" we had.
Talk about gossip people.
And then we get reprimanded.
And then we become celebrities for a day.
Oh, how fun.
And so, I have become the girl who played with water and drenched her friends.
Have YOU ever had a water fight?
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